We had some fun last week on our snow day! We got about 5 inches of snow and then ice on top of that, so it was pretty slick outside. We threw a tennis ball to make Samson chase it and slide everywhere. It was hilarious! Ryan even had to rescue him because he couldn't get back up the hill in our backyard.
Here's a funny face from Michael on our snow day; he was disappointed he couldn't go out and play.
Here's Michael sporting a new shirt on Sunday.
Michael thought I was crazy yesterday! He was in his exer-saucer burning some calories while I did Tae-bo. His face shows that he's not so sure about Billy Blanks!
Michael actually ate some rice cereal yesterday. I tried it a couple of times before and he wasn't interested. But yesterday he would actually open his mouth for the spoon. As you can tell from the picture, we still have some work to do on mastering cereal without making a mess!