Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It has been a busy summer in the Lyons' family! My blogging has been quite slack...sorry! Here are a few pictures from last month:

Kaitlyn washing her hands...this was her first ponytail :)

The girl LOVES to wear shoes...mainly other people's shoes! Here she is in her brother's :)
Michael pretending to nap with Samson
My little man's first day of preschool...I think he is really enjoying it!
The kids have really enjoyed going to the lake this summer. They love watching their daddy jump in the water then jump to him. Momma stands on the dock...I watch for snakes ;)
Throwing rocks in the water. Crazy what entertains toddlers!
Kaitlyn has one sassy personality...she is showing it here.
MeMa Jen is good at painting Kaitlyn's toenails...we had a matching paint job.
Michael was not feeling well one day recently and he laid on the sofa with his blanket for over an hour. He was pretending to sleep though!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jesus Loves Me!

More summer photos

Backyard pool fun
Kaitlyn was sprayed in the face with the hose by her brother numerous times and took it like a champ :)
Michael loves Mac N Cheese...on this particular day Ryan and I got about 2 bites! Michael and Kaitlyn handled the box!
MeMa Jen got Kaitlyn a pink Doodle Pro so that she did not have to take her brother's Toy Story one from him...well she still takes it, but at least she has a pink one for herself now.
Daddy's Georgia girl!