Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas! We continued some traditions in the Lyons' house this year. Our day started out with a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, sausage and eggs. After breakfast, we read the story of Jesus' birth. Then, we let the kids see their presents...Michael took off running once he noticed there was a tractor by the tree :)
Michael at breakfast
Kaitlyn followed her brother to his toys. We had to show her where her girlie things were.
She loves her new stroller!
Checking out his stocking
Having fun with the new house
Riding his new tractor from Nanny Moore
Michael was not feeling well today and was tired so he tried out his new chair/bed from MeMa and PaPa Slade
The Clarks came over for supper again this year and we had a great time! They even brought a honeybaked ham for us :). We decided to do a photoshoot and got a pretty good picture of our family.
This was the best picture I got of the four kids (Michael, Kaitlyn, Brady, and Bryson). I think they had a good time playing together tonight.
Me and Suz

We are such a blessed family and have so much to be thankful for this year!

Christmas Eve 2009

We enjoyed spending time as a family together this Christmas! On Christmas Eve, we went to Chuck E. Cheese's. The kids loved it!
Michael loved the tractor, and wanted to "hold Sissy" while he rode it...we spent the majority of our tokens on this!
Kaitlyn drawing on the sketch game
Michael riding the racing horse
Michael and Daddy with the "toddler whack"...I'm thankful Ryan did not pull Michael's arm off while trying to win the game!
Kaitlyn having fun with the mirror
Our sweet babies before bed in their Christmas jammies
After the kids went to bed, Ryan and I put together their toys. We had so much fun and were probably more excited than the kids!
The end result :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas threads

My kiddos were given lots of Christmas clothes this year, so I tried to get pictures each Sunday before or after church.
Playing tug-of-war with Samson's leash after church
I think Kaitlyn's pink dress is my favorite
All dressed up in red
I thought this was a sweet picture
My Nanny Moore bought this dress when I was pregnant with Michael before I knew whether he was a boy or girl. It was a little short, but I was glad she got to wear it :)

December silly kids pics

We have been inside a lot this month due to cold weather, so our kids have been a little creative :)
Kaitlyn enjoys playing in front of the door when we have it open (we have a glass door too)
Michael giving his Sissy a kiss while riding the truck...he is a sweet big brother
Oh my, his fashion sense is crazy!!! Socks with sandals, my red hat, and his sunglasses!
Michael's new love...muffins (he calls them "fuffins")
Kaitlyn making a mess with a piece of bread :)
Michael likes to "hold Sissy." This picture was taken one night before bed
Michael likes to get "horse-back rides" from Momma and Daddy; we are still trying to teach him that he cannot ride Sissy!
Our Monkey, he climbed on the table and got in his sister's seat when we were trying to get ready to go somewhere one night
They both love to play in their toy bucket; after Michael empties it out first!
Michael went through a week of wanting to wear a hat all the time...this was how I found him after nap one day :)
I love these two kids so much!

Christmas fun

I have slacked off on my blogging this month, so I decided to catch up before Christmas. This month we have done some fun Christmas things...I just LOVE this time of year! We went to the Bardstown Christmas parade, the Mega Cavern's Lights Under Louisville and Christmas in the Park in Elizabethtown.
It was a cold night for the parade, so we had to bundle the kids up!
Michael's favorite part was receiving this balloon!
My favorite part was getting all of the freebies...this beautiful head-piece, a t-shirt, 5 coupons for a free subway cookie, and 2 coupons for free loaves of Whitewheat bread
Kaitlyn bundled up
This was my favorite picture from the Mega Cavern...since we were underground the pics did not turn out so great of the lights

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sunday morning pictures

I like to take pictures of the kids on Sunday mornings when they are dressed up. This past Sunday, Michael asked for his hat when I came in his room to get him out of bed. He wanted it on his head until he got into the nursery at church then took it he had bed-head this week :)

Eating breakfast with his hat
This is one of my favorite outfits on Kaitlyn. I got it last year at the end of the season from Gymboree. Stephanie from Brilliant bows made the bow to match.

Michael chillin after church while watching Little Einsteins...he is turning into a little man so fast!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kaitlyn's first sips of juice

Kaitlyn can now drink juice from a sippy cup. I was giving her water and she would just play with her sippy cup, but she would keep getting her brother's which has some juice added to it :). She now likes it but I guess she thought it was sour at first.
Taking some sips
She would make this face, but want more!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


We had a great week last week visiting with family. Here are some pictures in no particular order.
MeMa Sue and PaPa brought Michael "Mac" from the movie Cars and he rarely put him down all week!
MeMa and Michael reading...she was impressed with his new vocabulary since our last visit
These are the Thanksgiving projects we did this month.
Settling down before nap time (aka "happy hour")
Michael LOVED riding in PaPa's truck and he hated to see it leave at the end of the week
PaPa and Michael were best buddies all week :)
We are such a blessed family with much to be thankful for!