Sunday, November 29, 2009


We had a great week last week visiting with family. Here are some pictures in no particular order.
MeMa Sue and PaPa brought Michael "Mac" from the movie Cars and he rarely put him down all week!
MeMa and Michael reading...she was impressed with his new vocabulary since our last visit
These are the Thanksgiving projects we did this month.
Settling down before nap time (aka "happy hour")
Michael LOVED riding in PaPa's truck and he hated to see it leave at the end of the week
PaPa and Michael were best buddies all week :)
We are such a blessed family with much to be thankful for!


Ashley & Chuck said...

I'm glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving! I'm impressed with the projects he made!

Tony & Jaimie said...

looks like a great thanksgiving! and i love the picture of M and K getting ready for a bath - precious!