Saturday, December 1, 2007

2 months!!!

Mr. Michael turned two months old on November 24th , and he went for his two month check-up yesterday. He received four shots which he was not very happy about! He is doing great and now weighs a whopping 9lbs 11oz!
Here are a few pictures from this past week:

He's moved up from newborn to size 1 diapers (not as many fit in the diaper champ)!

He's becoming a good sleeper.

Momma loves that smile! Check out the Bumbo seat. I know about recent recalls, but they are back out on the market with new warning labels. Michael seems to really like it.


Stephanie Perdue said...

I am glad that Michael likes his Bumbo because Judd would arch his back to get out. I used it for about one month. Jake, my two year old, loved it.:-)

Stephanie said...

ha! That Bumbo pictures is SO cute :) We need to catch up soon, Lore - phone or something.

Tony & Jaimie said...

Lori! I can't believe he's in the bumbo. He looks so grown up in there and too cute! i love his precious smile too. They grow up too quickly!!! Keep the pics coming. we love them.


Rocky & Suzanne said...

He is SO cute and growing so fast. I still have to meet the little guy!
