Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A few new pics

Sorry for the lack of posts lately; things have been a little crazy around the Lyons' household. We recently enjoyed a visit from grandmama. She came up to take care of the kiddos while I was in the hospital with a kidney infection and kidney stone. We were able to keep her for over a week; she was such a blessing!

Grandmama and Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn enjoyed getting to meet Jaimie and Claire for the first time last Friday. They made a day trip down to Louisville to visit friends. We miss you James!

Here is Michael enjoying sitting in his sister's boppy and reading a book.

Another crazy hair picture! This is how he looked after a nap last week. He's sitting in the chair in his sister's room by the way. He doesn't have pink in his!

Sweet Ashley Flurry sent Kaitlyn her first bow headband. It's a little big right now, but we tucked it in for a quick picture.


Ashley & Chuck said...

Aww, she looks so sweet in her headband!! I was just about to email you about how the visit with the girl's went last week. I hope you are feeling better now. Give Michael a kiss from his girly!!

Kelli said...

Lori, you have such beautiful children! I'm so sorry to hear about your kidney problems--I hope you're feeling better.

I miss you!

Stephanie Perdue said...

Sorry the hear that you were in the hospital. I hope that you are doing better. Having a newborn and being in hospital are not two things you want at the same time. said...

sweet new pics - i'm glad your mom got to stay for a while and that you're feeling better. It was such a treat to see you and Kaitlyn last week!


Anonymous said...

So sorry that you had a kidney infection while having a newborn!