Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We have been enjoying the beautiful spring weather up here in KY! Michael loves the outdoors. We have been going on walks in our BIG double stroller and Michael always wants to play in our backyard when we get home. Here are a couple of recent photos.
He enjoys playing with the rocks

Our daughter is not as fond of the outdoors just yet and enjoys exercising on the activity mat instead.
Michael decided he wanted to lay on the floor next to his sister during her tummy time; he's a pretty sweet little guy!

I took this picture after church on Sunday. It's a little difficult to get a good picture of the two of them together!

2 comments: said...

oh my goodness - you really should frame the picture of Michael and Kaitlyn lying next to each other...too sweet!


Stephanie Perdue said...

Spring and Summer is when I regain my sanity. Outside time is the best! She is so adorable! Michael is getting big.