Thursday, May 7, 2009


Michael keeps us on our toes lately. He also keeps us laughing! There is never a dull moment at the Lyons' household!
Here is Michael after a walk this morning. He and his buddy Parker decided to take a nap.
One night while I was cleaning the kitchen, I noticed Michael was being quiet. I went to check on him and found him in his daddy's chair reading my Bible. He had ventured into our bedroom and gotten it out of my drawer. I let this one slide since he was reading God's Word!

Here he is again after I noticed him being quiet! He climbed in the chair, grabbed the whales off the table and went to town!

Momma's little helper. He enjoys using the swiffer, so I put a cloth on it and let him go clean!

Bathing sissy.

Finger painting flop! He didn't like getting his hands dirty!!


Tony & Jaimie said...

looks like you guys are doing GREAT! i love all the new pictures of the kiddos and your new family photo at the top of the blog. we're slowly getting settled in our new home, so it's taking me a while to get back to people via email/blog. have a great weekend!


Ashley & Chuck said...

I love the pic of him reading your Bible. Do you have a future preacher on your hands??

Stephanie Perdue said...

Fun, Fun, Fun! I love the new pictures. Michael is keeping you busy. You better watch him when he gets quiet he may "dust" your house. LOL!